Runaway Button
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Plugin page:
Free Runaway Button plugin adds a fun, interactive element to your site - a button that playfully runs away from the user! Want to keep your users entertained while they wait? Or perhaps create a mini-game? This is the plugin for you!
Absolutely Free: The Runaway Button plugin is completely free to use!
Customizable Catchability: You can decide whether the user can catch the button or not. If you don't want them to catch it, they won't!
Button Style Customization: Customize the button's styles to match your site's design.
Adjustable Speed: Control the speed at which the button runs away.
Install the plugin: Find the plugin and add it to your application.
Enable ID attributes: Go to settings of your application, then switch to "General" tab. Here, scroll down and find "Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements". Check it.
Configure the wrapper: Create a group that will be the wrapper for the Runaway Button. Specify ID attribute for this group, e.g. "button-wrapper". If you want the button to use the whole page as a wrapper, skip this step.
Place the button: Find the "Runaway Button" in elements sidebar and drag it into the wrapper area. Set the parameters:
Wrapper is the ID attribute that you specified in the previous step. Leave blank if you did not set the ID attribute.
Is possible to catch determines if the click event will occur once the user clicks on the button.
Animation Speed (sec) shows the speed of the button.
Create the workflow: Define the workflow that happens when the user clicks the button. It can be anything - be creative!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at
If you suspect something isn't working quite right, please don't hesitate to send us a bug report. Here's an instruction on how to file a bug report. Your input helps us quickly address issues and strive for continuous improvement. Thank you for your cooperation!